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Hey, Tovonya here, I'm Mama, welcome to Xay + Mama, we hope you find just what you're looking for. 


So what's the story behind the company you ask?


After having my son, Xavier (Xay), my Rainbow Baby, I often pondered about what else I could be during my matt leave, as if looking after a newborn was enough already! That said setting up a business seemed fitting, and so the brainstorming began. I toyed with lots of ideas, however lack of passion, time and a whole lot of procrastination, a baby, chores and more, found me stuck and hindered my ability to follow through. The name didn't take long to come up with though, but what's a business name without an actual business idea, nothing?!


After becoming a Mum for the first time, like a lot of first time Mums, researching becomes your life, you become somewhat obsessed with all things baby, and could probably write a dissertation on all the baby wipes in the market. As a pretty health and planet conscious person, products that were natural, healthy and aligned with my beliefs on sustainability, whilst doing our bit for the planet were right up my street. Then one day it dawned on me, why not set up an online store with all things that I have come to love, stick them all in one place for others to fall in love with too.


I'm a modern Mama though, so long gone are the days of just pink and blue, your modern Mama is breaking out, think pumpkin spice, and mustard, the colours that is, cute prints on your classic favs, like muslins and gift sets that you wish someone bought you. I hope to bring you a plethora of products, so watch this space!

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